Friday, May 8, 2015

O Lord, Our Lord

     “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!”
Psalm 8:1, 9
      Rarely have I been so overcome with wonder and emotion that I did not know how to express it in some way, even if the manner and product of expression ultimately fell short of the intensity of the feeling.  Israel’s sweet psalmist (2 Samuel 23:1) possessed the soul of a poet and a seemingly endless collection of the most moving expressions of adoration, praise, devotion, and wonderment. Yet even he could only utter a faint “O Lord, our Lord” as his mind was transported to realms beyond his ability to capture with words. What depth of feeling must have poured from his pen in the four words, “O Lord, our Lord”!
   It is very telling that Jehovah Himself was the object of David’s consideration in this psalm. This righteous man who never seemed to be at a loss for words knew not what to say when meditating upon the glory of the God whose own heart he possessed. It is the fact of David’s meditation upon God that I wish to consider with you at this time.
     How often do you allow yourself to mentally set aside all the activities of the day, to emotionally check out from the daily grind, to spend time in serious thought about all that God is and all that He does? I promise that you will be better for it when you do. These days it’s rare to hear someone speaking of God in the manner David does in the psalms, isn’t it? I have to assume that this is because the vast majority of people simply do not know God the way that David knew Him. David regularly meditated upon the Creator of the heavens, moon, and stars (Psalms 8:3). David often considered the exulted station God has bestowed through His mercy and grace upon man (Psalm 8:4-9). David’s constant awareness that creation proves a Creator lit within him a fire to seek out and cling to this Creator’s revelations as a drowning man clings to driftwood (Psalm 119). 
         Is there any wonder that the only way to express his depth of feeling was simply to say the name of the One whom he adored? After all, His very name is majestic in all the earth. How much more His Person? We would do well to spend more time considering the One who so often filled David’s thoughts.     

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